Thursday 20th February saw judge Bill Johnson ARPS, DPAGB, APAGB draw what you might call the short straw. He officiated over no less than 4 competitions. Thank Bill!
Lynne Denton Rosebowl – Portrait print (A4)
Each author can enter up to three portrait prints. The competition was judged on the night by Bill Johnson who did not have to award scores, but select his choice as the best image. The winner was Larry Walker with “Jenny”
Eric Armstrong Shield – Best Colour print of the season.
Selected from prints achieving 20 in the 3 round colour and Harry Pitts print competitions, plus authors’ choice of their best image from those competitions.
Kirsty McLeod – Female Stonechat
J Walker Cup – Best Mono print of the season.
Selected from prints achieving 20 in the 3 round mono and Harry Pitts print competitions, plus authors’ choice of their best image from those competitions.
Larry Walker – Jenny Ai (unfortunately this image is NSFW so won’t feature on the blog).
David Horner Award – intermediate print competition (no mounting or size requirements)
Again for this competition, prints were entered on the night and the judge picked his favourite print.
John Walker – Vintage Workers